You won’t believe the gift this bride gave her groom on their wedding morning… - Queensland Brides

You won’t believe the gift this bride gave her groom on their wedding morning…

your wedding story

Okay, so we’re guessing that you already know how much we love receiving and sharing all of our beautiful real weddings here at QB. But, every now and then, one comes along with a bit of a surprise. So, when we got wind of this beautiful family love story, we simply couldn’t help but share! P.S. tissue-alert!

Eamon + Emma’s Wedding Story | St Stephen’s Cathedral + Brisbane Racing Club from Your Wedding Story on Vimeo.

Q: Emma, did Eamon really not know this news? How did you possibly keep this a secret?

Emma: Leading up to our wedding Eamon was working away four weeks on, one week off. I found out the morning he was due to fly back to work. It was a matter of hours before I had to drop him off at the airport. Eamon was still severely hungover from his buck’s weekend and I was still quite in shock myself and trying to process it all. The last thing I wanted was to get both our hopes up and something happen. FIFO (fly-in fly-out) life can be hard at the best of times and sharing this news on a “fly out” day was no way to celebrate.

Eamon was working night shift so our phone conversations were brief and a lot of the time I was feeling tired from my late night sickness – aka morning sickness. There were a few nights where I would unknowingly complain about how crappy and tired I was feeling but I would always revert back to the stress of the wedding, work or moving house.

The week before the wedding was the major test with him back home. I was very close to telling him the night before our wedding after he told me I was making it very difficult for him to enjoy this wedding, haha! As Cyclone Debbie hit the week before our wedding, I had turned Bridezilla. Hormones were at an all-time high and it didn’t take much for me to cry or lose my cool. I’m not sure I could’ve kept the secret from him if he was back home with me the whole time.

Q: Eamon, how surprised were you? Did you have any idea what was in Emma’s present? 

Eamon: I was completely blown away.  I had no idea what was going on leading up to our wedding I still can’t believe Em pulled it off, it made sense once I opened the present as the couple of days beforehand I couldn’t do anything right. I didn’t really know what was going on in her head, I just put it down to wedding nerves. The day exceeded all of my expectations. It was truly the best day of my life and I will never forget it!

Q: Emma, what made you think to have Eamon’s reaction filmed?

Emma: Being a dad is everything to Eamon. There was no way I could miss his reaction for our first child. I spoke with my videographer a week before the wedding letting her know I was pregnant and that I wanted the ultrasound image to be the gift to Eamon the morning of the wedding. Having a family is so important to us, and his face was absolutely priceless on finding out. It was then settled that if everything went according to plan and we made it to the 12 weeks we would use the video as our baby announcement.

Q: What was it like having this precious secret between you on your wedding day?

Eamon: It was definitely an emotional day.  Not only had we committed ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives but we have now had this extra bond of new life and starting a family together. Being able to celebrate both these amazing occasions on the one day was so special.

Q: How hard was it to keep it a secret on your wedding day?

Emma: Surprisingly, it wasn’t all that difficult. Any bride would agree that the day goes so quickly and you feel like you barely even get to talk to everyone properly. If there were any moments of drink offerings I would kindly take it, pretend to sip and towards the end of any conversation I would “accidentally” leave the drink on the table. Everyone was too busy having a good time to notice the small things. 

The morning of the wedding I was tipping Veuve down the bathroom sink every so often, which was quite disheartening for me. Thanks to the pregnancy hormones it didn’t smell all that great at the time!

Q: So you guys ended up using your wedding video as your baby announcement… how did people react? 

Eamon: Everyone was very excited and over the moon to hear the extra announcement. We still have people tell us how much they loved the video. It’s funny how it all worked out. Em and I still reflect on the fact that a videographer was on our maybe list for the wedding budget. It’s now the number one recommendation we have for people planning their weddings. 

Q: Can you give us a progress report on Baby Lindsay?

Emma: We’re having a little baby boy, expected date of arrival around the 8th of November. He loves kicking and enjoys Magnum ice creams each night after dinner. We love him so much already and can’t wait for those first hugs and kisses with him. 

Awww, thanks to Emma and Eamon for sharing your story with QB and all the best with Baby Lindsay x

 Emma and Eamon’s wedding film was produced by Brisbane wedding videographer Michaela from Your Wedding Story, who was awarded runner-up at the 2017 Queensland ABIA awards.