The bride’s easy guide to honeymoon packing - Queensland Brides

The bride’s easy guide to honeymoon packing


You’ve picked your dream honeymoon destination, locked in your accommodation and envisioned the perfect outfits to wear while on your post-wedding getaway… now it’s time to get out the suitcase and actually start packing.

Don’t know where to start? After you’ve packed the honeymoon-essentials (we’re talking makes-you-feel-like-a-queen lingerie and sexy pyjamas), run your eyes over this simple list to make sure you don’t forget anything important. You know, just in case…

Related article: Honeymoon-ready goodies to full your suitcase with

arnel-hasanovic-673679-unsplashThe obvious (boring) stuff

  • Hairbrush/comb, products and styling tools (can you live without your GHDs?)
  • Toothpaste, toothbrush and floss
  • Deodorant – seems super-obvious but do not forget!
  • Razor and shaving products
  • Makeup and skin-care products (think makeup remover and Q-tips)
  • Perfume. Bring the one you wore for your wedding – special scents help establish lovely memories!
  • Personal hygiene items (they can be hard to get – not to mention super expensive – abroad)
  • Sunscreen, after-sun products and lip balm
  • Insect repellent (and anti-itch cream for any bugs that break through)
  • A mini medical kit, including paracetamol/ibuprofen, Imodium, band-aids, travel sickness medication, antacids, antihistamines, and vitamins

june-admiraal-1092423-unsplashLeave Behind

Before you head off, be sure to leave these items with a trusted family member or friend:

  • Copies of your passports, visas, tickets, driver’s licences, marriage certificate, health/travel insurance documents and any prescriptions
  • Hotel details, contact information and your itinerary (so they’ll know exactly how to reach you)
  • Sealed copies of your wills, life insurance information, and any other relevant financial information
  • Your engagement ring. Obviously, you won’t want to take it off for a second, but if you’re worried about losing it, consider just wearing your wedding band


  • Smartphone, duh! Load it up with great music, but make sure there’s lots of space for holiday snaps
  • Power adapter/USB chargers (leave home with everything fully charged)
  • Books, magazines or Kindle – especially if you’re catching a flight to your honeymoon destination
  • Take an eye mask, travel pillow, earplugs, and headphones for in-flight movies
  • Credit cards, cash (including some local currency) and traveler’s cheques
  • Key documents (like passports, visas, tickets, driver’s licences, reservation confirmations, itineraries, directions to your destination, emergency contact information, a copy of your marriage certificate, health/travel insurance, any prescriptions etc). Taking two sets of photocopies of these documents, plus copies of credit cards and traveler’s cheques is also a good idea. Keep one copy with you and leave the other in your hotel room. If you lose anything, getting a replacement will be much easier.
  • Prescription medicines in their original packaging
  • Don’t forget birth control (assuming you want to keep it just the two of you for a while!)
  • Phone numbers for your doctor, other emergency contacts, friends and family, and credit card companies (in case your cards are lost or stolen)
  • Glasses, contact lenses, solution, storage case and eye drops if needed
  • Sunglasses and hat – seems obvious but they can be easy to forget!
  • Zip-lock bags in varying sizes – they’re great for wet swimsuits and shoes
  • Bag or backpack for beach/pool/day trips etc. It can double as a tote to bring home souvenirs – better yet, use it as your carry-on bag!

stil-243541-unsplashTop tips

  • Make a list of everything you want to pack at least a week in advance and check things off as you go
  • Big, heavy suitcases are a nightmare! Trust us, you’ll want to travel light. Use combination travel locks (you can’t lose the key) and make sure you put ID labels on both the inside and outside of your luggage
  • To avoid the hell of blisters, never pack new shoes
  • Take travel-sized items wherever possible
  • Download guides and apps, rather than packing heavy books
  • Leave your laptop at home. Seriously.
  • And stay off social media as much as possible – we mean it! Be in the moment and really enjoy this special time with your sweetheart.

Still deciding on your honeymoon destination? Our sister site Holidays for Couples has amazing accommodation options and destination guides to help get you started! Or, find romantic honeymoon stays here with our helpful directory

Images sourced via Unsplash