You might only have a minute to spare but you can still make it count. We’ve rounded up 5 must-do tasks to do right before you walk down the aisle.
1. Hug your mum
Or your nana. Or your bridesmaids. Or all of the above. You may not get a chance later to really thank your support team in such a personal and private setting. Just make sure you’re all wearing waterproof mascara as this simple yet heartfelt move can really bring on the tears!
2. Check your smile
Ideally, you’ll have your makeup artist on hand for touch-ups after the ceremony and following the bridal party photo shoot. However, if you can’t make the full day commitment, ask your bridesmaid bestie to stay vigilant for lipstick transfer and tear-stained cheeks. Especially just before the ceremony when you may have been tempted to give your pout a last-minute top up.
3. Hit refresh
Okay, another practical one — but you’re preparing to do some quality face time here! Brush your teeth before your H&MU call then pop a mint after your pre-ceremony Champagne. To ensure optimum minty freshness, hydrate… but not too late. You don’t want a mid-vows rush to the loo! Drink up early then ask a bridesmaid to keep a bottle of water handy (with a paper straw) for after the rings have been exchanged.
4. Write it down
This moment is precious. The relative calm before the elation of the ceremony and the excitement of the reception is an ideal time to jot down a few words for either your husband-to-be or even your ‘future’ self. It might be handwritten on monogrammed stationery or a quick note or voice memo on your phone. Doesn’t matter, just get it down and then get ready to rock and roll!
5. Switch to slo-mo
Heard those cautionary tales about your wedding day whirling past in the blink of an eye? They’re all true. So take a breath and steady yourself as you prepare for a rush only newlyweds can know. It’s time!
Feature image: from the wedding of Sam + Dylan by Lover of Mine (as featured in the Spring/Summer 2018 edition]