A (wedding) ring thing: Advice from real-life groom Peter - Queensland Brides

A (wedding) ring thing: Advice from real-life groom Peter

Rachelle + Peter

Find the idea of shopping for a wedding ring daunting? Researching jewellers? Need a little first-hand advice? Real-life groom Peter shared with us how he proposed to Rachelle and how Xennox Diamonds created a gorgeous piece that complemented her heirloom engagement ring…

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Rachelle + PeterTHE PROPOSAL

When Peter popped the question to Rachelle, he had a self-imposed deadline looming. The very next day was Rachelle’s 30th birthday bash, and Peter was hoping for the couple to be engaged in time for her big party. She’d been prepped to meet her fella after work in the city, and to pack a bag for a ‘birthday treat’ but, as these things do, it all went a bit haywire.

“I enlisted the help of a few work friends and got them to take Shell for a drink while I parked the car (why did she have to bring the car?!),” he recalls. “I then walked to the proposal location – only to realise I’d forgotten the ring! I sent a text to my accomplices to stall Shell (having sent the all-clear only a minute earlier), but was told she was already on the way. So I sprinted back to my office, grabbed the ring and then legged it back. I made it with about 10 seconds to spare, got down on one knee… and then promptly forgot the speech I’d prepared. So the proposal went something like this: ‘Will [*pant*] you [*pant*] marry [*pant*] me?’!”

Rachelle’s excited ‘Yes!’ was the cue for her best friends (who’d only been roped in an hour before) to appear from out of nowhere and celebrate with a glass of bubbles. Later, the newly engaged couple headed to a suite in the Stamford Plaza, where more Champagne (plus chocolate-covered strawberries) awaited.

Rachelle + PeterTHE RINGS

Why did you go to Xennox Diamonds for your wedding bands?
“Shell’s diamond wedding band was made to cleverly fit around her unusual engagement ring (a family heirloom featuring a sapphire surrounded by a number of smaller diamonds), while I chose a plain white-gold ring,” says Peter.

“We went to Xennox as I’d developed a relationship with the team through wedding industry events. As a celebrant I’m really selective about the vendors I recommend. I always look to see if they treat you as a customer or a client. Karl and the team at Xennox treated me as a client from day one and wanted to build a relationship with me – they invested time getting to know me, and gave me genuine, ongoing support even after the sale.”

What was the best piece of advice they gave you?
“Not to rhodium plate our white-gold rings too often as this can damage the quality of the gold.”

What was the most surprising thing you discovered on your quest for the perfect ring?
“How overwhelming the whole experience can be as a guy who didn’t know much about rings beforehand! Luckily, the team at Xennox understands that they’re one of the first interactions a groom or a couple will have with the wedding industry, and they work hard to ensure that this first impression is a good one.”

Top tip?
“Don’t be afraid to ask plenty of questions – you’re not expected to be an expert!”

Rachelle + PeterTHE BIG DAY, AT A GLANCE
Date: 1 April, 2017 // Ceremony & reception: Fig Tree Restaurant (Byron Bay) // Number of guests: 70-ish // Dress: When Freddie Met Lilly // Flowers: Flowers by Julia Rose // Suits: Black Jacket Suiting // Celebrant: Ben Carlyle // Honeymoon: USA (Las Vegas, Nashville, New Orleans, San Francisco & LA) // Photography: Figtree Wedding Photography // Wedding rings: Xennox Diamonds