The modern gift guide: travel for two - Queensland Brides

The modern gift guide: travel for two

Forget about china, linens, and toasters – the modern gift registry is all about group-gifting, crowdsourcing, and thinking outside the box for items and experiences that are original, useful… and fun. We’ve gathered 5 great modern gift guides with a difference.

Related articles: The modern gift registry and The modern gift guide – feather your nest

#1. Travel for two

Instead of asking your guests to contribute money, why not set up a honeymoon registry and crowdsource your dream holiday? Sites like Honeyfund are great, but essentially just ask your guests to make a bank transfer. However, the new generation of honeymoon registries, like My Wedding Registry, Our Honeymoon Registry, Hitchd, and Travel Registry, are all about experiential gifts – so your guests can contribute toward specific, itemised experiences, such as zip-lining in Costa Rica or private skiing lessons in Val-d’Isère.

Be sure to check out our other modern gift guides linked here:

Check out our local gift directory for ideas to gift your guests as a thank-you!