Beauty guide: four pre-wedding tips & treatments - Queensland Brides

Beauty guide: four pre-wedding tips & treatments


If you’re aiming for a radiant wedding-day glow (and let’s face it; who isn’t?) then it’s time to start thinking about your pre-wedding beauty regime. And, believe us when we say that this is especially important when dealing with a summer or spring time wedding in Queensland (hello, humidity!). To find out more, we chatted with Australian Skin Clinics for their expert pre-wedding tips and treadment advice.

Don’t sweat it!

The summer heat combined with any ‘big day’ butterflies could see you sweating more than you expected. Reduce perspiration and enjoy your special day comfortably with a sweat reduction treatment (you can get these at Australian Skin Clinics). The treatment uses cosmetic injections to block the nerve impulse and deactivate the sweat glands under the arms. The benefits are almost immediate and can last up to nine months post-treatment.

Start your laser hair removal now

Let’s face it, you’re busy enough in the months leading up to your wedding, let alone having to think about shaving, waxing and plucking! A series of laser hair removal treatments will ensure that you are hair-free and carefree on your special day, so you can worry about more important things (not to mention you’ll have silky-smooth pins for the honeymoon!). Depending on your skin- and hair-type, laser hair removal usually takes between six to twelve treatments at monthly intervals for the best results.

Brighten your complexion

In summer, your skin can become easily dehydrated from humid weather, sweat, chlorine, salt water and even makeup. Beat the heat and make sure your skin is glowing when you walk down the aisle with a series of Microdermabrasion in the lead-up to your wedding. This invigorating treatment exfoliates the skin, unclogs pores and boosts the skin’s natural rejuvenation process leaving your skin cleaner, clearer and brighter. You’ll look and, more importantly, feel flawless!

Don’t forget sunscreen!

Summer is the perfect time for an outdoor wedding, but this can also lead to sun-damaged skin if you’re not careful. So avoid a red face (literally!) on your honeymoon and potentially more serious concerns later on by applying sunscreen on your big day. We recommend Balense UV Defiance SPF 50+, a four-hour water resistant protective sun lotion that leaves the skin feeling silky without residue. It is also paraben-free and compatible with makeup, which means you’re makeup will stay gorgeous while your skin stays protected!

Looking for hair and beauty artists for your special day? Take a look at our helpful directory here