Meet your quirky and fun alternative to traditional wedding photography & filmmaking - Queensland Brides

Meet your quirky and fun alternative to traditional wedding photography & filmmaking

Steph and Elliot - Lovers and Legends Brisbane Photography and Videography duo

After hitting the scene in 2020 with a bang, we’ve been intrigued to know a little more about Lovers + Legends and the quirky husband and wife duo behind this Brisbane-based wedding photography and videography brand. From their infectious energy that instantly has couples feeling at ease in their presence to their knack for capturing authentic moments in a modern and insanely fun way (cue, kickass dance moves!), Steph and Elliott are steadily positioning themselves as the go-to choice for couples seeking a laidback alternative to traditional photography and filmmaking. So let’s find out a little more …

QB: Ok, guys, can we rewind a little to what first sparked your interest in wedding photography and videography?

Steph: I was studying to be a high school drama teacher when Elliott bought me my first camera. My whole life, I’ve been known as the ‘arty one’, so for me, photography was just another hobby to try out. I didn’t expect to fall in love with it so quickly, though, and before I knew it, my camera was coming everywhere with me, and my friends and family were subbing in as my lil’ guinea pig models. It didn’t take long for me to fall into shooting weddings, and I knew from the first wedding I photographed that my life was about to change. When I told my friends and family that I was quitting my job to become a wedding photographer, I was expecting a mixed reaction. To my surprise, everyone thought it was the best decision I’d ever made for myself (I mean, besides marrying Elliott, of course, haha!).

Elliott: Growing up, I always remember when we got our first video camera. I would take my brothers outside and make little home videos complete with sound effects and packed with action! I never thought that my love for making home movies would take me to a career in wedding films. I, too, hadn’t considered wedding videography as a career choice until we leapt after Steph got serious about her photography. It all happened so quickly to the point where I had to quit my full-time job to keep up with the workload. I love filming weddings because you can capture the feelings and emotions of the day so well. I often find myself tearing up whilst editing because it brings back the feel of the day. Giving that feeling to people is the most amazing thing and the biggest reason I love doing what I do.

QB: How would you describe your style of photography and videography?

Steph: I describe my photography style as modern, authentic and fun! I’m not too fond of corny or awkward wedding photos, so I deliberately capture moments that look and feel real. For example, instead of just saying “smile” and hoping for the best, I tend to loosen the moment by cracking a joke and capturing a genuine smile instead. I always want our couples to look back at their images and remember how much fun they had being photographed!

Elliott: My approach to filming in a few words? Natural, candid, fun and edgy. I’m always looking for interesting shots and different perspectives to shoot from. Moving around in the background allows me to catch the natural, unposed, authentic interactions and emotional moments of the day. This style, coupled and with movement and lots of detailed shots, enables me to create a film as if from a guest’s perspective. I prefer to keep things super chill while I film because comfortable people are sexy people! Ha. Ha.

QB: What fascinates you – and how does this feed into your work?

Steph: I’m a sucker for a good story. My friends often tease me by saying, “Steph, just get to the point already!” because my account gives them the most detailed explanation. After all, I want them to have the whole picture. This translates into my photography style as I find myself capturing tiny details or split-second moments throughout a wedding day to enhance the story I’m telling. Family photos on the walls or kids ruining their wedding clothes with spaghetti sauce are the kinds of things I love to include in my galleries. Sometimes it’s the minor things that make the most lasting memories. 

Elliott: I love meeting new people at weddings. And, it is incredible when our couples start to get a feel for who we are and then slowly open up to us more over the day. By the time we are heading to the reception, it’s like we are all best friends! I sometimes forget that it’s my job to be there! It also helps that everyone is super happy and all loved up. Weddings bring out an enormous sense of family and community, and I love being a part of that.

QB: What advice can you offer couples who are a little nervous about being in front of the lens on their big day?

Steph: Oh man, almost every couple we meet feels awkward at the thought of being photographed! We get it! Some feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or even embarrassed at the idea, so the biggest suggestion I can give is to choose your photographer/s carefully! Choose people you vibe with and who you could see yourself being friends with. This way, it’ll be like having (in our case) two extra besties hanging with you on your day! You want to find a photographer that makes you feel safe and valued. Then, the sky’s the limit, baby! *Cue the sexy catwalk*

Elliott: Honestly, the biggest thing that will help you feel more relaxed on your wedding day in front of the lens is getting to know your photographers before the big day. Not only do you put a face to the name, but you can also get a better sense of who they are and whether they feel right to you. I always say, “comfortable people are sexy people,” and being content around your photographers makes posing feel like nothing!

QB: While all moments of a wedding are special, is there a particular one that you love capturing?

Steph: I absolutely LOVE photographing the dance floor; there is so much energy and fun involved, and I can’t help but get around a good boogie. We’ve also been known to hang around a dance floor or two once we finish up to dance the night away with our couples! 

Elliott: My favourite part of capturing a wedding has to be the period after the ceremony when we have the bride and groom to ourselves. I remember back to our wedding day and how it felt to get a pause from all the chaos finally to let it sink in that I just married my best friend. Seeing that exact moment soak in for our couples and giving them time to relax, have fun, and spend one-on-one time together always gets me in the feels.  

QB: What is your defining difference from other wedding photographers/videographers out there? 

 We’ve been told so many times before that we have an ‘infectious energy’ about us, and we think this comes directly from treating our couples like friends rather than clients. We genuinely are Lovers + Legends. Our business is us; fun, friendly and a little bit edgy. Our personalities shine through clearly online and in-person, so when people meet us for the first time in person, they already feel like they know us. This erases any fear or awkwardness, helping our lovers to chill out and open up. We want our couples to feel amazing the entire time because getting married is kind of a big deal, right?! There’s no reason why we can’t capture incredible memories AND have an awesome time. 

QB: Finish this sentence; Lovers and Legends is …

… for couples that are laidback, fun, down to earth and in love. L+L is all about celebrating love; the good, the crazy, the quirky and the ridiculous. We believe in authentic memories that reflect who you are, and we capture your story through our unique and distinctive style.  

QB: What’s next? What do you look forward to most for Lovers and Legends?

Steph: Our latest initiative involves us taking a new direction with our film captures and edits, and I am so excited! In keeping with a more ‘us’ style, our films are becoming more personalised, funky, fun, and insanely jam-packed full of personality, ensuring that we very clearly reflect our couples’ personalities with each film. This is the most exciting venture for me at the moment, and I cannot wait to see where we are, even a month from now.

Elliott:  I am super excited to see how much more creativity we can unleash over time. We are entirely in our element and have hit our stride; it is inspiring to think about how much more we can develop. I love going back and watching our old films and seeing how far we’ve come already. I am also low-key hoping that our daughter, Stevie, wants to join the team when she’s old enough 😊

Want to know a little more? Pop on over to to say hi and see some of their awesome work.