Could this be your secret to amazing and fast weight loss? - Queensland Brides

Could this be your secret to amazing and fast weight loss?

Hypoxi bulimba newstead

Let’s face it, setting a weight loss goal of 70kg is no small mountain to climb! So when Brisbane-based Ms. Young set this awesome challenge for herself, she knew she needed some help and turned to the tried and tested weight-loss and fat-burning system, HYPOXI – and in particular the helpful team at Hypoxi Newstead & Bulimba.

Here, Ms Young shares with us her journey so far (already having lost an amazing 22kgs and 114cms from only 40 bike sessions and clean eating!) …

You go, girl: is all we can say!

Describe your Hypoxi Experience: Hypoxi is the easiest form of fast fat burning exercise for me. I watch Netflix while I lose weight, it’s more like downtime than exercise whilst I lose cms, I have never come across any form of exercise that is so quick and effective and that burns fat from the hard to budge area’s of my body,  Hypoxi is sooooo amazing!

What made you decide to do Hypoxi? I was looking for an exercise that targeted my hips and thighs as no other forms of exercise were working for me.

Do you have a special goal? To get down to 70kgs

How much have you lost? Results? So far … 22kgs 114cms in just 40 bike sessions

What did you do for fitness before you came to us? Personal training

Did you commit to healthy eating at the same time?  Yes, healthy eating is a must, the girls at Hypoxi Bulimba don’t call it a “diet”, its healthy eating and eating the right things at the right time of the day.  I love my healthy eating and they recommend a cheat meal at the end of the week too, winning 😊

How do the Hypoxi staff help you in achieving your goals? Bec is amazing! She is basically my counsellor, friend, and supporter, I feel so comfortable going into the studio, its small and boutique and there are never more than 5 people there at once.  All the clients chat with each other on the machines about their goals and results, it’s so lovely and motivating, I love going to the Bulimba studio.

Any tips or advice you’d like to give people wanting to try Hypoxi?  Just do it, it will change your life especially if you were like me struggling to lose weight and not getting anywhere.  But you will need to change your eating habits and eat clean.

Looking to lose weight for your own wedding? Hypoxi Newstead & Bulimba has Bride-to-Be packages starting at just $999